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MTÜ Lõimeleer
Registration code 80449620
Address: Tuudevere kordon, Aimla küla, Põhja-Sakala vald, Viljandi maakond 70403
Phone: +37205230
MTÜ Lõimeleer is a non-profit organization operating in the public interest, the goal of which is the cultural and social cohesion of young Estonians living abroad and multicultural families connected to Estonia with Estonia.
MTÜ Lõimeleer is included in the list of non-profit organizations with income tax benefits as a non-profit organization operating in the public interest and charity (Decision of the Tax and Customs Board No. 12.2-6/00189).
The board members of the MTÜ are Priit-Kalev Parts, Kaarina Ritson and Eve Aasa.
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